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The Ethiopian Environmental NGO (EENGO) was established when the Baptist General Conference Mission (BGCM) decided to phase out its development programmes in 1992.

Its founders concern for the unabated environmental degradation and their wish for conservation of the existing natural resources enabled them realize the need for provision of alternatives to the farming population.

EENGO is a non-profit making organization registered under the Ethiopian Civil Code of 1960.


EENGO likes to see conserved natural resources and protected world environment.


  • To work towards sustainable management of the natural resources in partnership with target communities and other stakeholders to bring about improved livelihood of the people.
  • To maintain its standing as a professional and competent organization based on its shared values and principles.


The guiding core values of EENGO are collaborative partnership, flexibility, transparency, accountability, equality and sustainability.


EENGO is a membership association and its governance structure consists of General Assembly, Board of Directors, and a Secretariat.

The General Assembly is the supreme body dealing with major policy matters. The Board issues guideline regarding the operations of the organization and supervises the implementation of operational policies.

The Board of Directors is the standing executive committee of the organization. It comprises of five members elected from among the founding members and has a two- years term of tenure. The Board implements all operational policies and matters decided by the General Assembly.

The daily management of the organization is delegated to the Secretariat, which has a Management Committee headed by the Executive Director, and comprising of Senior Officers and the Project Coordinators.


  • Increase field crops and vegetable production of the target community.
  • Ensure that the target communities have access to safe water and are able to manage their natural resources.
  • Enhance the knowledge and skills of the target communities in the management of renewable natural resources.
  • Enhance its own organizational capacity to effectively address the interest of its stakeholders.


  • Strengthening and establishing grassroots organizations to work on environmental protection, rehabilitation and sustainable development.
  • Promote participatory rural development.
  • Work closely with farmers at village level and build their capacity to preserve and rehabilitate the environment and lessen the prevalence of famine.
  • Assisting farmers to adopt environment friendly improved agricultural practices to remove food insecurity.


The major program components are:

  • Natural Resources Conservation & Management covering such sub-components as soil & water conservation, woodlot area promotion, and training of farmers.
  • Agriculture including the dissemination basic education and training of the target groups in agro forestry practices improved agricultural techniques, and other physical conservation measures.
  • Water Development including the construction of hand-dug wells, development of springs, and also small-scale irrigation practices.
  • Women & Development programs particularly focusing the role and position of women in the overall development process.
  • Promote tree planting by supporting communities and individuals through seedling production and distribution.
  • Train farmers in natural resources conservation and environmental protection activities: natural resources conservation measures.
  • Train women, the landless, and other target groups in various incomes generating schemes.
  • Assisting farmers to increase agricultural production on sustainable basis by dissemination of skills through demonstration and training.
  • Construction of hand-dug wells, spring developments, rural towns water supply and promoting sanitary education for the well being of the community.


In principle all members of the community in the operation areas are the target groups of EENGO. Notwithstanding female-headed households, the poor and landless farmers will be focused with special attention.


EENGO operates in two zones of Oromia, viz., Tokke in West Shawa Zone and Salale in North Shawa Zone.


EENGO's partners in the development process are primarily the target communities. Relevant local government line bureaus and their respective zonal departments, NGOs both international and indigenous concerned with environmental protection and the farming communities are all potential partners.


EENGO secures its program fund from national and international donors and funding agencies as well as contributions from its members.

It seeks to develop a wide range of co-funding and income sources in order to create a broad and reliable income base.


  • Tokke Project Office, Ambo West Shewa
  • Muka Turi Project Office, Wachale Jidda, North Shewa


Bekele Hambissa, Executive Director

Assefa Fita, Program Officer

Dawit Likasa, Training, Fund Raising & Public Relations Officer

Alemu Gizaw , Finance Officer

Aregash Geleta, Administative Assistant

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Our Executive Team
Bekele Hambissa, Executive Director
Assefa Fita, Program Officer
Dawit Likasa, Training, Fund Raising & Public Relations Officer
Alemu Gizaw , Finance Officer
Aregash Geleta, Administative Assistant

EENGO is committed to protecting the world environment with you.

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Protect the Environment